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Berlin-Brandenburg Research Platform BB3R


Prize for animal free teaching for Prof. Jens Kurreck, Mathias Ziersch, Ahmed Samir Mohamed Ali

Mathias Ziersch, Ahmed Samir Mohamed Ali and Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jens Kurreck from the Technical University of Berlin were awarded the prize for animal-free teaching on 16.12.2022. The award, endowed with 5000 €, was presented by Bettina Jarasch, Senator for Environment, Mobility, Consumer and Climate Protection and Dr. Kathrin Herrmann, State Animal Welfare Officer in Berlin.

Dec 21, 2022

3Rs info hub

The 3Rs info hub is online! The 3Rs info hub bundles current and relevant 3Rs multimedia content into a single information portal. Please visit: www.3rsinfohub.de

Mar 25, 2021